This section is all about game events. Game events are functions in your scripts that the Unitale engine runs at various points in the game. By changing up your behaviour depending on the actions the player takes, you can go beyond a basic encounter and make it great.
Script-specific events are, as the name implies, functions that only happen for this specific script type.
Happens once when everything's done initializing but before any encounter actions start. You should do
things like stopping the music here, or using State() if you want to start the fight off with some
Happens when you go to the monster dialogue state. You're still free to modify monster dialogue here.
Happens when you go from the monster dialogue state to the defending state.
Happens when you go from the defending state of the game to any other state. If you read up on the
RandomEncounterText() function, you'll want to use it here.
Happens when you select the Spare option from the Mercy menu, regardless of whether a monster is
spareable or not. This event fires after the sparing of monsters is completed. If you spare the
last enemy in the encounter, this function will not happen - the encounter is over at that point.
HandleFlee( success)
Happens when you select the Flee option from the Mercy menu. If you implement HandleFlee(),
the fleeing sequence will not run automatically, and you will have to do it manually with the Flee() function.
HandleItem( item_ID, position)
Happens when you select an item from the item menu.
function HandleItem(ItemID, position) if ItemID == "DOGTEST2" then BattleDialog({"You selected The Second Dog.", "You are truly great."}) else BattleDialog({"You didn't select The Second Dog.", "You could've picked better."}) end DEBUG("You chose item #" .. position .. " in your inventory.") end
EnteringState( newstate, oldstate)
A new, more flexible way of handling state changes. When you enter a new state, this function will fire
with newstate containing the new state's name, and oldstate containing the previous
state's name. Both are in all caps. One of the most powerful things about it is that you can use State()
here to interrupt state changes initiated by the engine itself.
Possible states and when they execute are below:
function EnteringState(newstate, oldstate) if newstate == "ENEMYDIALOGUE" then --same as EnemyDialogueStarting() elseif newstate!= "ENEMYDIALOGUE" and oldstate == "ENEMYDIALOGUE" then --same as EnemyDialogueEnding(). Alternatively, check for newstate == "DEFENDING" elseif newstate!= "DEFENDING" and oldstate == "DEFENDING" then --same as DefenseEnding() end end
This function runs for every frame (usually at 60FPS, depends on the player's framerate) for all of
the encounter, even during waves. This is an extremely powerful function, as it can run any code at
any time, no matter what. The only exception is the game over state - if the player dies, no code
from within this function will be run.
This function runs the moment the Player takes mortal damage (by any means, including bullet damage,
scripted damage, setting Player.hp to 0, and even
text commands), just before activating the Game Over sequence. This is the perfect place to set Real
and AlMighty Globals you want set when the player dies
(see Misc. Functions).
If you use Player.hp or Player.Heal here to bring the
Player's hp back to greater than 0, they will live and the Game Over sequence will be cancelled.
OnTextDisplay(text text)
Every time any text object's letters are created, this function gets called. This function is the best
place to manipulate the text object's letters using Text.GetLetters.
The argument text is the text object itself.
This event isn't called for text objects which have their own Text.OnTextDisplay()
HandleAttack( damage)
Happens the moment the player's attack has applied damage - this is when you hear the hitting sound
after the slash animation.
damage will be -1 if the player pressed Fight, but didn't press any
buttons and let it end by itself. The monster's hp variable will have updated at this time, too.
Don't call BattleDialog() here, it's a bit buggy right now.
Happens after your attack's shaking animation has completed and the monster's HP is 0. If you implement
OnDeath(), your monster will not die automatically, and you will have to do it manually with the
Kill() function.
OnDeath() will only happen through monster kills that happened with the
FIGHT command; scripted Kill() calls will not trigger it.
Calling BattleDialog() here will probably screw up the battle UI.
Happens after you successfully spared a monster. If you implement OnSpare(), your monster will not be
spared automatically, and you will have to do it manually with the Spare() function.
OnSpare() will only happen through a monster spare that happened with the SPARE command; scripted
Spare() calls will not trigger it.
Happens before the damage calculation the moment you press Z when attacking. You can easily use SetDamage()
in this function. This is also the best place to initiate a dodge animation, if you want such a thing.
BeforeDamageValues( damage)
Happens before the damage UI is displayed on the monster (the life bar and the damage number) and before
the hp changing. You can still change the target with Player.ChangeTarget(targetNumber) in this function,
but you can not use SetDamage here.
The argument damage is equal to the incoming damage the enemy is about to take.
Note that this damage has not been applied yet, unlike in HandleAttack.
HandleCustomCommand( command)
Happens when you select an Act command on this monster. command will be the same as how you
defined it in the commands list, except it will be IN ALL CAPS. Intermediate example
below, showing how you can use it and spice it up a little.
commands = {"Sing", "Dance", "Wiggle"} --somewhere at the beginning wigglecounter = 0 --let's keep a counter to check how often we've wiggled function HandleCustomCommand(command) if command == "SING" then BattleDialog({"You sing your heart out. It's in the arena now."}) elseif command == "DANCE" then BattleDialog({"You busted out your best moves."}) elseif command == "WIGGLE" then if wigglecounter == 0 then --you can use variables to make commands more exciting! BattleDialog({"You just kind of stood there and wiggled."}) elseif wigglecounter == 1 then BattleDialog({"You're still kind of standing there and wiggling."}) else BattleDialog({"Your wiggled so often that your wiggling technique\ris now legendary."}) end wigglecounter = wigglecounter + 1 --be sure to increase the wiggle counter, or it'll stay at 0 end end
This function is called every frame (usually at 60FPS) while monsters are attacking (the defense step).
That's pretty much it. Update your bullets here - more on bullet creation and control is on the
API - Projectile Management page.
This function is called just before the wave ends. It allows you to easily reset some variables and other such things.
OnHit(bullet bullet)
Every time a bullet collides with a player, this function gets called from the script that created the
projectile. The bullet object in this function can be modified if you feel like it. For more information
on the bullet object, see the section Projectile Management.
If you implement this function in your script, you have to manually define what should happen after
bullet collision. This is what allows you to create orange, cyan and green projectiles, and much much
more. If you don't implement this function in your script, it'll stick to the default of dealing 3
damage on hit.
All-script events are events that can exist in all types of scripts - that's encounter, monster, and wave scripts.
OnHit(bullet bullet)
Every time a bullet collides with a player, this function gets called from the script that created the
projectile. The bullet object in this function can be modified if you feel like it. For more information
on the bullet object, see the section Projectile Management.
If you implement this function in your script, you have to manually define what should happen after
bullet collision. This is what allows you to create orange, cyan and green projectiles, and much much
more. If you don't implement this function in your script, it'll stick to the default of dealing 3
damage on hit.