Undertale background

The Input object [E/M/W] The Input object allows you to retrieve input status. All keys will return a number; 0 when not pressed, 1 on the first frame the key is pressed, 2 while it's being held, and -1 on the first frame it's released. You can check if a key's value is greater than 0 to see if it's pressed, or if it's exactly 1/-1 to only have an action if it was just pressed/released. Possible key options are below.

Note: do not rely on the Input object to replace proper UI controls. Changing game state in the UI based on input will likely cause a fair share of issues and is not supported at this moment (but feel free to see what does and doesn't work).

  • Input.Confirm - Z or Enter keys

  • Input.Cancel - X or Left Shift keys

  • Input.Menu - C or Left Control keys

  • Input.Up - Up arrow or W

  • Input.Down - Down arrow or S

  • Input.Left - Left arrow or A

  • Input.Right - Right arrow or D

  • Input.GetKey( keyname) - Get the state of the given key.
    Check the Key List to see the available keys.

  • Input.MousePosX (readonly) - Returns the X position of the mouse relative to the bottom left corner of the screen. (from 0 to 639)

  • Input.MousePosY (readonly) - Returns the Y position of the mouse relative to the bottom left corner of the screen. (from 0 to 479)

  • Input.IsMouseInWindow (readonly) - Returns true if the mouse is in the window, false otherwise.

  • Input.MouseScroll (readonly) - Returns a number representing the change in the user's scroll wheel position (or movement supplied by the trackpad when using a Mac). 0 represents no movement, while a positive number means the user is scrolling up, and a negative number means the user is scrolling down.

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button