Undertale background

The Script object (and the Encounter variable) [varies] Script objects are a bit of a special case. They're used to refer to other scripts that were loaded by the engine itself.

In the encounter script, the enemies table is filled with Script objects after the encounter starts, and the Wave table is filled with Script objects when entering the state DEFENDING.

The variable Encounter is also a script object that refers to the current encounter, and is accessible from anywhere except from the Encounter itself. Do not enter the name of your encounter file, it will always just be Encounter. Case-sensitive.

  • script.GetVar( variable_name) - gets variable_name from the script.

  • script[ variable_name] - same as the above.

  • script.SetVar( variable_name, value) - sets variable_name in the script.

  • script[ variable_name] = value - same as the above.

  • script.Call( function_name) - runs function_name from within the target script.

  • script.Call( function_name, argument) - runs function_name from within the target script with one argument.

  • script.Call( function_name, any types arguments) - runs function_name from within the target script with all arguments in arguments as the arguments.

    So, for example, you can call an encounter function TakeTwoArguments with two arguments by using:
                    Encounter.Call("TakeTwoArguments", {"argument 1!", "argument 2!"})
    and the two arguments given can be any variable types!

  • script.scriptname - this is equal to the file name of the script in question.


Here are some quick examples:

                -- This is the ENCOUNTER file, and I want to deactivate my first enemy from here
                -- To do that, I'll call the function "SetActive" (see Misc. Functions) in the MONSTER file from here
                enemies[1].Call("SetActive", false)

                -- here is a simple way to change the encounter's "wavetimer" from another script, for instance,
                -- a monster script if a player ACTs right, or just from a Wave that needs to last a certain time
                Encounter.SetVar("wavetimer", 10)
                -- alternatively:
                Encounter["wavetimer"] = 10

                -- let's say we're in the MONSTER file, and we want to turn a Sprite in the ENCOUNTER file to dust
                -- we can do it in at least two different ways:
                local spriteToDust = Encounter.GetVar("torso")
                spriteToDust.Dust(true, true) -- see Sprites & Animation.
                -- alternatively:
                Encounter["torso"].Dust(true, true)

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button