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The Time object [E/M/W] The Time object serves as a way to retrieve game timing without having to keep track of it yourself, or using a frame counter. Whenever possible, try using the Time object over a frame-based timing method to ensure equal behaviour across all framerates.

  • Time.time (readonly) - Time (in seconds) since the game application started. If you want to time specific events, store Time.time in a variable of your own at the start of what you want to time, then subtract Time.time from your stored time to calculate the difference.

  • Time.dt (readonly) - Delta time (in seconds). This is the time it took for the last game update to complete.

  • Time.mult (readonly) - Multiplier to ensure equal movement across all framerates (this is essentially deltatime*framerate). This will be around 1.0 when the application runs at 60FPS, ~0.5 at 120FPS and ~2.0 at 30FPS, etc. By multiplying your movement by this value, your waves will be consistent on lower framerates as well.

  • Time.wave (readonly) - Returns the elapsed time (in seconds) of the current waves while in DEFENDING. -1 outside of DEFENDING.
    You can use wavetimer - Time.wave while in DEFENDING to see how much time is left in the defense round.

  • Time.frameCount (readonly) - The total number of frames since the start of the encounter or overworld.

  • Time.timeScale - The scale at which time passes. When timeScale is 1.0, time passes as fast as real time. When timeScale is 0.5 time passes 2x slower than realtime.
    Note: You should examine the Examples 2 / #10 - timeScale test mod to see how to properly implement waves to make them work with this.

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button