Undertale background

The Arena Object

The following section is dedicated exclusively to the arena. This is the area inside the white box that the player is allowed to move within. Projectiles can spawn and move relative to the arena, and the arena can be resized and moved.

The Arena object [W] You can use this object to obtain information about the arena, resize it or move it.
Don't forget that the Arena's position is reset at the end of the wave!

  • Arena.width (readonly) - the width of the arena in pixels, after resizing. Since the reference for the player and bullets is the arena's center, you can get the left/right side of the arena with -Arena.width/2 and Arena.width/2 respectively.

  • Arena.height (readonly) - the height of the arena in pixels, after resizing. Like with width, you can get the bottom/top with -Arena.height/2 and Arena.height/2 respectively.

  • Arena.x (readonly) - the x position of the center of the Arena, after resizing.

  • Arena.y (readonly) - the position of the bottom of the Arena, after resizing. To get that of the center, just do Arena.y + Arena.height/2.

    NOTE: Arena.y is the position of the bottom of the outside (white part) of the Arena. It will be 5 pixels (the arena's width) less than Arena.currenty.

  • Arena.currentwidth (readonly) - the current width of the arena in pixels. Differs from width in that it will accurately reflect the arena size in the middle of resizing, too.

  • Arena.currentheight (readonly) - the current height of the arena in pixels. Differs from height in that it will accurately reflect the arena size in the middle of resizing, too.

  • Arena.currentx (readonly) - the current x of the arena in pixels. Differs from x in that it will accurately reflect the arena position in the middle of moving, too.

  • Arena.currenty (readonly) - the current y of the arena in pixels. Differs from y in that it will accurately reflect the arena position in the middle of moving, too.

    NOTE: Arena.currenty is the position of the bottom of the inside (black part) of the Arena. It will be 5 pixels (the arena's width) greater than Arena.y.

  • , , , = 1 Arena.innerColor - Set RGBA color (0-1) of Arena's inner sprite.

  • , , , = 255 Arena.innerColor32 - Set RGBA color (0-255) of Arena's inner sprite.

  • , , , = 1 Arena.outerColor - Set RGBA color (0-1) of Arena's outer sprite.

  • , , , = 255 Arena.outerColor32 - Set RGBA color (0-255) of Arena's outer sprite.

  • Arena.isResizing (readonly) - Tells you if the Arena is currently being resized.
    : There's an equivalent of this in 0.2.1a - just use
    Arena.currentwidth ~= Arena.width or Arena.currentheight ~= Arena.height.

  • Arena.isMoving (readonly) - Tells you if the Arena is currently being moved.

  • Arena.isModifying (readonly) - Returns true if the Arena is being moved or resized, false otherwise.

  • Arena.Resize( width, height) - Resizes the arena to the new size. Currently, monsters stay on top of the arena. This was going to be changed around the animation update.
    But, in CYF, you can use BindToArena to control that!

  • Arena.ResizeImmediate( width, height) - Resizes the arena instantly, without the animation.

  • Arena.Move( x, y, movePlayer = true, immediate = false) - Moves the Arena based on its current position. Set movePlayer to true if you want the Player to move with the Arena and set immediate to true if you want to move the Arena immediately.

  • Arena.MoveTo( x, y, movePlayer = true, immediate = false) - Moves the Arena based on the bottom-left corner of the window. Set movePlayer to true if you want the Player to move with the Arena and set immediate to true if you want to move the Arena immediately.

  • Arena.MoveAndResize( x, y, width, height, movePlayer = true, immediate = false) - Moves the Arena based on its current position and resizes it at the same time. Set movePlayer to true if you want the Player to move with the Arena and set immediate to true if you want to move the Arena immediately.

  • Arena.MoveToAndResize( x, y, width, height, movePlayer = true, immediate = false) - Move the Arena based on the bottom-left corner of the window and resizes it at the same time. Set movePlayer to true if you want the Player to move with the Arena and set immediate to true if you want to move the Arena immediately.

  • Arena.Hide() - Makes the Arena invisible, but it will stay active.

  • Arena.Show() - Makes the Arena visible after using Arena.Hide.
    This is not called automatically whenever a wave ends anymore, meaning the arena will be permanently hidden if Arena.Hide is used.

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button