Undertale background

Key List

Input.GetKey uses Unity key codes.

A complete list can be found here.

Regular Alphabet:

(All regular alphabet characters are exactly the same between their key names and CYF Key IDs.
For instance, the "A" key will be A in CYF.
Note that using Input.GetKey("A"), for instance, will detect the lowercase "a".)


(All F-keys are exactly the same between their key names and CYF Key IDs.
For instance, the F12 key will be F12 in CYF.
For reference, the supported F-keys are F1 through F15.)

Keyboard Number Keys:

Keyboard Key ID for CYF use
1 Alpha1
2 Alpha2
3 Alpha3
4 Alpha4
5 Alpha5
6 Alpha6
7 Alpha7
8 Alpha8
9 Alpha9
0 Alpha0

Keypad Keys:

Keyboard Key ID for CYF use
1 (End) Keypad1
2 (Down) Keypad2
3 (Page Down) Keypad3
4 (Left) Keypad4
5 Keypad5
6 (Right) Keypad6
7 (Home) Keypad7
8 (Up) Keypad8
9 (Page Up) Keypad9
0 (Insert) Keypad0
. (Del) KeypadPeriod
/ KeypadDivide
* KeypadMultiply
- KeypadMinus
+ KeypadPlus
Enter KeypadEnter
= KeypadEquals

Keyboard Arrow Keys:

Keyboard Key ID for CYF use

Special Keyboard Keys:

Note: the % key cannot be detected as of this moment.

Keyboard Key ID for CYF use
Backspace Backspace
Tab Tab
Return/Enter Return
Pause Pause
Space Bar Space
Escape Escape
! Exclaim
@ At
# Hash
$ Dollar
^ Caret
& Ampersand
* Asterisk
( LeftParen
) RightParen
- Minus
+ Plus
_ Underscore
= Equals
: Colon
; Semicolon
" DoubleQuote
' Quote
, Comma
. Period
\ Backslash
/ Slash
? Question
< Less
> Greater
[ LeftBracket
] RightBracket
` BackQuote

Misc. Keyboard Keys:

Keyboard Key ID for CYF use
Insert Insert
Home Home
Delete Delete
End End
Page Up PageUp
Page Down PageDown
Num Lock Numlock
Caps Lock CapsLock
Scroll Lock ScrollLock
Right Shift RightShift
Left Shift LeftShift
Right Control RightControl
Left Control LeftControl
Right Alt RightAlt
Left Alt LeftAlt
Right Command RightCommand
Left Command LeftCommand
Right Apple Key RightApple
Left Apple Key LeftApple
Right Windows Key RightWindows
Left Windows Key LeftWindows
Alt Gr AltGr
Print Screen/Sys Rq SysReq
Break Break
Menu Menu

Mouse Inputs:

Mouse Input ID for CYF use
Left Mouse Button Mouse0
Right Mouse Button Mouse1
Scroll Wheel Press Mouse2
Mouse 3 Mouse3
Mouse 4 Mouse4
Mouse 5 Mouse5
Mouse 6 Mouse6

Controller Buttons:

All controller buttons follow the same format: JoystickXButtonY
X represents the number of the controller currently in use, between 1 and 8.
Y represents the number of the button checked, between 0 and 19.

Note: It is not recommended to directly query a user's controller inputs, as these can greatly vary between users. It would be best to make a keybind and let the user bind their controller buttons to it, or to restrict yourself to standard CYF keys.

Controller Axes (Joysticks, D-Pad, Triggers...):

Most controller axes follow the same format: AxisX-Y + or AxisX-Y -
X represents the number of the axis currently checked, between 3 and 10.
Y represents the number of the controller currently in use, between 1 and 2. CYF currently only handles axes for up to 2 controllers.

Axes 1 and 2 have specific names: Axis 1 is named HorizontalY, while Axis 2 is named VerticalY, following the same scheme as above.

Note: It is not recommended to directly query a user's controller inputs except for HorizontalY and VerticalY, as these can greatly vary between users. It would be best to make a keybind and let the user bind their controller buttons to it, or to restrict yourself to standard CYF keys.

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button