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How to read this documentation

Reading Function Examples

After people had some problems reading the documentation correctly, I decided to create this little tutorial.

Let's say you see something in the documentation that looks like this:

Screen.DispImg( path, ID, posX, posY, toneR = 255, toneG = 255, toneB = 255, toneA = 255)

There are several things to know here. First of all, the arguments have a type and a name. The name really is here just to help you to know what the variable is, you don't really have to care about it. However, the type is important, it determines what kind of variable you'll need to send.

In this example, is a character chain (i.e. "hello"), and is any number (i.e. 4).

One last thing with functions: some of these arguments have a value after them - this is the variable's default value. So, you can use the function without including that argument.

In our example, that means that you can just call Screen.DispImg("poseur", 1, 320, 240) - but you can add the other values if you want to add them.

However, if you need to set toneB in our example, you need to set toneR and toneG before it, as well. If you want to keep the default values, just enter the ones the documentation says :P

So if we want to fully call this function and set toneA to 128, we have to call it like this:

Screen.DispImg("poseur", 1, 320, 240, 255, 255, 255, 128)

E, M and W

All over this documentation, you will find...
isCYF [E/M/W] [E], [M], [W], or a mix of the three.

These simply mean that the relevant variable, function or object is accessible from:

  • [E]: Encounter scripts.
  • [M]: Monster scripts.
  • [W]: Wave scripts.

Finally, if you're a fan of Unitale and want to use it instead of CYF, but still want to use this documentation, note this: all the variables or functions with this tag: are only usable in CYF.
Additionally, this symbol indicates new or changed content in the most recent major version of Create Your Frisk, and its sub-versions.

Now that you know how to read the documentation, you should keep reading! It'd be too bad if you stopped now :P

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

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Undertale fake button
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