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The Overworld: How to add an animation to an event

Tired of all these static events? Do you want them to be animated, to bring more life to your map? You're in the right place!
Animating events is (again) something very easy, but it may be time-consuming. This animator is used like sprite.SetAnimation(), only the ways you fill in data are different.

  • All the animations are driven by a component named CYFAnimator. Click on the event you want to add this component in, go at the very bottom of the Inspector tab, then click on the button "Add component".
  • Enter "CYFAnimator" and you should be able to find it. Click and it'll be added.

  • CYFAnimator screenshot

    This is a working example of the CYFAnimator object. The 8 animations pictured here are the minimum ones required to make the component run correctly.

    You should be able to see some variables. Here is a description of each of them:

  • Movement Direction: The direction that the event goes. Normally, you don't need to modify this, as the component will calculate this by itself.
  • Begin Anim: The name of the animation that the event will start with.
  • Special Header: This variable is used to modify the event's animation scheme.
    Normally, the event will start the animations StopDown, StopUp, MovingDown, MovingUp and all the others in the screenshot.
    But if you set this variable, it'll act as a prefix for the animations.
    So, if this variable is set to "Frisk", the CYFAnimator component will use FriskMovingDown, FriskMovingUp, ... instead of the others.

    There is one exception to this scheme. If the special header is equal to an animation's name, said animation will be the only one used while the special header has this value.
  • Anims: Your list of animations. Check the screenshot above to see how you should fill it.

    NOTE: While any mix of the above animations is fine, such as only having vertical animations if your event will only move up and down, an animation named "StopDown" is required for every event with a CYFAnimator component. It is the default animation, and the absolute bare minimum to include if you wish to have a CYFAnimator component.

  • And that's it for animated events! As I said, the biggest part here is to fill in the Anims list, so it's not much of a deal!

    If you had any problems with this tutorial, please tell me what went wrong.
    If you see any ways that this tutorial can be improved, please tell me that as well.
    You'll have more chances to contact me on Unitale's Discord server - the response will be way faster and it will be much smoother than using messages on reddit.
    Here is the link to the Discord server.

    * YOU WON!
    * You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
    * also the nav menu is broken now

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