Undertale background

The Overworld: The Player Object

NOTE: This Player object is not the same as the one used in battle!
This one is specific to the overworld!

Player.GetLevel() returns Returns the player's level (LV).

Player.SetLevel( value) Sets the player's level (LV).

Player.GetHP() returns Returns the player's HP.

Player.SetHP( value) Sets the player's HP.

Player.GetMaxHP() returns Returns the player's max HP.

Player.SetMaxHP( value) Sets the player's max HP.

Player.ResetMaxHP() Resets the player's max HP to the value it would have based on their level (LV).

Player.GetName() returns Returns the player's name.

Player.SetName( value) Sets the player's name.

Player.GetWeaponATK() returns Returns the player's weapon's ATK.

Player.GetArmorDEF() returns Returns the player's armor's DEF.

Player.GetATK() returns Returns the player's total ATK.

Player.GetDEF() returns Returns the player's total DEF.

Player.GetGold() returns Returns the player's amount of gold.

Player.SetGold( value) Sets the player's amount of gold.

Player.GetWeapon() returns Returns the name of the player's weapon.

Player.SetWeapon( value) Makes the player equip the weapon given in value, but only if a weapon with that name is in their inventory.

Player.GetArmor() returns Returns the player's armor's name.

Player.SetArmor( value) Makes the player equip the armor given in value, but only if any armor with that name is in their inventory.

Player.GetEXP() returns Returns the player's EXP (XP).

Player.SetEXP( value) Sets the player's EXP (XP) to value.

Player.ForceHP( value) Sets the player's hp.
You can set it up to 1.5 times the player's max HP.

Player.Hurt( value) Removes value HP from the player's current HP. The Player can't be killed by use of this function.

Player.Heal( value) Adds value HP to the player's current HP, but can not exceed the player's maximum HP.

Player.CanMove( canMove) This function determines whether the player can move or not.
However, if canMove is set to true and the function is called while a main event is running, then you can't trigger any other main events, teleport to other maps or open the menu until the main event is stopped.

Player.Teleport( mapName, posX, posY, direction = 0, noFadeIn = false, noFadeOut = false) Teleports the player to the map named mapName.
You can set the player's direction using direction.
noFadeIn and noFadeOut determine whether there will be fades before and after the teleport, respectively.

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button