Undertale background

The Overworld: How to create a shop

You may know what a shop is in Undertale. Well, here you'll learn how to make one in Create Your Frisk!

Shop scripts contain some of the same functions and objects that are in all scripts, such as the Audio object, the NewAudio object, the Inventory object, the Input object, the Misc object, and the Time object, as well as RealGlobals and AlMightyGlobals.
The variables isCYF, safe, windows and CYFversion are also accessible (see Overworld - Basics).

Finally, the functions CreateSprite, CreateLayer and CreateText are all accessible (see Overworld - Basics for differences in functionality), as well as the Game Event OnTextAdvance.

CAUTION! You will need to code in C# for some aspects of this feature!

In the future, Items will be defined in a Lua file, along with the rest of the Overworld. Until then, if you wish to use this feature in your CYF fangame, you will need to read Overworld - Basics to learn how to open this project in Unity, edit its source code, and build it.

Shop scripts have their own State system. You can't directly access them, but here is a list of the shop's states:

  • MENU - The main menu of the Shop script.
  • BUY - The Buy menu of the Shop script.
  • BUYCONFIRM - State for confirming a purchase when buying an item.
  • SELL -The Sell menu of the Shop script.
  • SELLCONFIRM - State for confirming a sale when selling an item.
  • TALK - The Talk menu of the Shop script.
  • TALKINPROGRESS - Entered when a Talk option is chosen and its assigned text is displayed.
  • EXIT - Entered while showing the exit text of the shop, just before leaving.
  • INTERRUPT - Entered when interrupting the action of any other state. See the function Interrupt() for more details.

If you don't know what to do or where to start, I suggest you look at the file Examples 2/Lua/Shops/Dummy.lua to visualize how it's done.

Other than that, other functions and variables are available, to personalize your shop. The following is a detailed list of those.

Setting up your shop for use in the overworld

CYF's shops are different from what you've seen so far.
Your shop scripts are to be put in the directory YOURMOD/Lua/Shops/.

A shop can be loaded with this function: General.EnterShop( scriptName) Enters a shop scene from the overworld.
scriptName should be the name of your shop's lua file, without the extension.
So, if you have want to load YOURMOD/Lua/Shops/shop.lua, you would use General.EnterShop("shop").

Shop variables

  • sprite background - A sprite object used as the background of the shop. Optimally, this sprite should be 640x240 pixels.

  • returnscene - The name of the scene the Player will go back to when exiting the shop.

  • , returnpos - A table containing the position the Player will appear at in the map when leaving the shop.

  • returndir - Direction the Player will face when returned to the overworld.
    Possible values:
    • 2: Down
    • 4: Left
    • 6: Right
    • 8: Up

  • music - Name of the music file the shop will use. The music file must be .ogg or .wav and must be in YOURMOD/Audio.

  • , , buylist - A table defining which items the shop will have in store.
    This table is composed of 3 other tables:
    • The first table contains the names of the items to be sold.
      The items must be in the item database (CYF/Scripts/Inventory/Inventory.cs).

    • The second table contains the descriptions for each item.

    • The third table contains the prices of each item.
      Use -1 to use the price set in the database (CYF/Scripts/Inventory/Inventory.cs).
      Use 0 to make the item display as "--- SOLD OUT ---" like in Undertale. The player will not be able to buy it.

  • , or talklist - A table containing the list of all the talk options in the shop. This table is composed of 2 other tables:
    • The first table contains the name of each TALK option the Player can pick.
    • The second table contains the text associated with these TALK actions. These can each be a single string or a table of strings.

    Example setup:
    talklist = {
        { "Job", "Hobbies", "Threaten", "Sell?" },
            { "Me?", "I'm just a shopkeeper." },
            "Just a shopkeeper.",
            { "Threats? I'm not impressed, I'm just a shopkeeper." },
            { "So you have items to sell?",
              "I guess some of them could be useful to me...",
              "Alright, I'll see what you have next time you want to sell something to me!" }

  • maintalk - The text displayed in the main Shop menu.

  • buytalk - The text displayed when entering the Buy menu.

  • talktalk - The text displayed when entering the Talk menu.

  • exittalk - The text displayed when entering the Exit menu.

  • playerskipdocommand - False by default. If this value is set to true, text commands will be called even if the player skips the text - except for [w] and [letters] commands, and commands with the tag "skipover".

Shop events

These events work the same way as events work in-battle. See Game events.

Start() This event is called when entering the shop.
It is advised to set the background's image here.

Update() Every well-functioning script needs an Update() function.
This function is called once per frame.

EnterMenu() Entered when entering the main Shop menu.

EnterBuy() Entered when entering the Buy menu.

SuccessBuy( itemName) Entered when an item is successfully purchased.
itemName is the name of the item bought.

FailBuy( error) Entered when the Player tries to buy an item, but can't.
error has two possible values:

  • "gold" - If the Player doesn't have enough Gold.
  • "full" - If the Player's inventory is full.
  • "soldout" - If the shop is sold out of this item.
    See buylist for how to accomplish this.

ReturnBuy() Entered when the player selects an item to buy, then chooses "No" or presses the Cancel button.

EnterSell() Entered when entering the Sell menu.
To prevent the player from selling, use the function Interrupt() here (see below).

SuccessSell( itemName) Entered when an item is successfully sold.
itemName is the name of the item sold.

FailSell( error) Entered when failing to enter or use the Sell menu.
error has two possible values:

  • "empty" - If the Player's inventory is empty.
  • "cantsell" - If the Player tries to sell an item, but it is unsellable.
    In order to accomplish this, set the item's sell price to 0 in the database (CYF/Scripts/Inventory/Inventory.cs).

ReturnSell() Entered when the player selects an item to sell, then chooses "No" or presses the Cancel button.

EnterTalk() Entered when entering the Talk menu.

SuccessTalk( talkOption) Entered when a Talk option is successfully selected.
talkOption is the name of the option selected.

EnterExit() Entered when choosing the Exit option.

Interrupt( text, newState = "MENU") Interrupts any current state (except the INTERRUPT state) to display the message given in text.
At the end of the message, the state newState will be entered.

I advise for you to not use this to enter the states BUYCONFIRM, SELLCONFIRM or TALKINPROGRESS.

OnInterrupt( newState) This function is called when entering the Interrupt state.
newState is the name of the state the Player will enter when the Interrupt state finishes its text.

Additional info

The layers in the Shop scene aren't the same as everywhere else.
This is the Shop script's layering system:

  • "Bottom": Under everything, even the background.

  • "BelowUI": Above the background.

  • "BelowPlayer": Above the background and the UI.

  • "Top": Above everything.

* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
* also the nav menu is broken now

Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button
Undertale fake button